Eco-Retrofit Consultation Visit
If you are just after a steer and a bit of reassurance then an informal consultation visit might be the way forward for you.
Our 2-hour Eco-Retrofit Consultation Visit typically will consist of:
a visual inspection of the property
discussion time to hear what you are trying to achieve
verbal feedback on what might be a sensible outline strategy to pursue in terms of energy efficiency refurbishment (eco-retrofit), ventilation and heating improvements and renewable energy installations
This service is useful for homeowners who are needing reassurance on what aspects of the property might prove the most fruitful to work on and general advice on how to move forward with their project. It should be stressed that the feedback provided will not be derived though any form of measurement or calculation but rather it would be based on experience and in-depth knowledge gained from many years of working in the field.
The consultation can be followed-up with a written summary if required although there is an additional charge for this. If a calculated estimate of eco-retrofit performance with indications of budget are needed then you may wish to consider an Eco-Retrofit Scoping Study.