Teleworking Cities of To-Morrow
An idea who's time has come
During the early stages of the Coronavirus lock-down, the RIBA Journal decided to launch a competition posing the question of how do we live with this virus going forward? The competition was called, 'Rethink: 2025 – Design for life after Covid-19'. In the run-up to launching Deeper Green, founder Ian McKay decided to dust off an idea he originally mooted in the late 1990's through his former practice, BBM Sustainable Design. In its original guise, the idea was known as the Comstation and it was an idea targeted at helping society reduce its dependancy on commuting with view to lowering carbon emissions. Twenty odd years on, it would appear society just was not ready for it. Perhaps with the enforced working from home regime of the first half of 2020, its time has come. In its updated format, now called The Node, the proposition thinks through issues around living with the Covid-19 pandemic.