‘Full’ Architectural Services
For clients who are considering a more involved construction project, who need an architect to help them through the design stages of a project, including the preparation of statutory approval applications, compile a tender package for a building contractor, facilitate a main contractor tender, prepare and administer a building contract as well as carrying out periodic site inspections, then a ‘Full’ Architectural Service would best fit your project.
How it works
For RIBA Stages 0 through to 4, the service provision is broadly the same as with a ‘partial’ service however the package of work for pricing is suited to site work which includes the services of a contract administrator.
RIBA Stages 0 - 2
The initial phases of work are about unpacking the nature of the work, understanding the client’s intentions, appraising the existing context and statutory constraints, scoping the works to a budget and perhaps obtaining feedback from the planning department or specialist consultants about the viability of the proposed work. This work is generally wrapped up in what is known as a Feasibility Study. Within this, we would typically expect to assist the client in developing the Client’s Brief, compile a commensurate Outline Cost Plan, prepare a Spatial Options Appraisal, develop a preferred scheme and perhaps submit a local authority Pre-Application.
If the project also involves an element of eco-retrofit, then the Eco-Retrofit Scoping Study would be carried out during this phase of work.
Please note, almost all architectural projects will need a Measured Survey for which we can assist the client in obtaining quotes for. It is sensible to acquire this as soon as possible such that design and assessment work can be accurately informed. On smaller projects Deeper Green can carry out the measured survey in-house. Many projects may also require additional surveys or assessments to unpack constraints and outline ways forward such as matters of highways, trees, ecology, asbestos, heritage etc. In all cases, we can assist the client in obtaining services and fee proposals for a suitable specialist consultant.
RIBA Stages 3 and 4
Once the scope of work has been defined by the initial study, Deeper Green can then arrange for any outstanding surveys and design work in response to a preferred range of options to take forward. Should any statutory approvals be needed, Deeper Green can facilitate the relevant applications. We complete the design work with the production of a Tender Package, compile a list of tenderers, issue invitations to tender and facilitate the tender itself, including receipt of submissions and prepare a Tender Analysis for the client. We typically would assist the client with pre-contract negotiations and would prepare the contract and contract documents ready for signing.
RIBA Stages 5 and 6
During the construction phase of the project, we would carry out periodic site inspection. We will preside over valuations, issue Certificates of Interim Progress Payments and vary the Contract Sum as variations arise. We will also chair and minute monthly site progress meetings. We will preside over the handover of the completed project back to the client and assist with the resolution of issues during the defects period and work with the contractor towards settling the Final Account.
See also our Principal Designer Services